WinCMD 4 Instructions ************************************************************************** Installing WinCMD Archived Files: README.TXT Read This File First TRBLSHT.TXT Troubleshooting Information WINCMD.TXT WinCMD Installation TOOLBAR.H Help File for Toolbar SDK WCFM.DLL File Manager Extensions WCTOOLS.DLL Toolbar Extensions WINCMD4.EXE WinCMD Windows CLI WINCMD4.HLP WinCMD Windows CLI Help WCD.EXE WinCMD Change Directory Utility (Optional) Note: If there is a previous version on your computer, it is reccomended that it be deleted before installing WinCMD 4. Any previous settings will be automatically imported into WinCMD 4. Previous versions of WinCMD 4 will be replaced automatically. Unzip the Archive onto your hard disk (the windows directory is a good place), then use "Add Item" from the "File" menu in Program Manager to import the icon. The file name is "WINCMD4.EXE". The File Manager Driver will be automatically installed the first time that WinCMD is run. However, To manually install the File Manager Driver, make sure the file "WCFM.DLL" is in the same directory as "WINCMD4.EXE". In the "WINFILE.INI" file, add the following line in the [AddOn] section: WinCMD Extension=C:\WINDOWS\WCFM.DLL If you are using a different directory than windows, put in the appropiate path. Restart File Manager. Note: If File Manager is currently running, The new File Manager Entries will not appear until File Manager is exited and restarted. File Manager Extensions: There are two menu items in the File Manager. These are "Start CLI" and "Background Copy". Start CLI: This will start the CLI in the current directory. Background Copy: This will prompt for source and destination file names, then copy them in iconic form. These entries will also appear on the Norton Desktop Menu. If you are using File Manager version 3.11 or higher (shipped after October 1992) then two Toolbar Icons will be seen. These may be edited just like the other Toolbar Icons. Due to a bug in File Manager, it will not support more than three extensions. If there are already three or more, only the first three will be loaded. For assistance in using WinCMD, please read the help file by typing "HELP" on the WinCMD command line (or by clicking on the question mark on the WinCMD toolbar).